Annual Corporate meeting, Saturday, April 25, 2 p.m., Stretch’s Pizza, Malta


Open Annual Corporate meeting

Minutes of 2014 Corporate meeting, vote to accept

Ratify the Mission Statement to read and to award scholarships to make the statement flow more smoothly. Formally read :”It shall also award scholarships in the areas represented at the Hi-Line Drag strip.” Steve Nieffer moved to accept change with second by Dan Stout and motion approved. Change will be sent to Mark for website.

Accomplishments for 2014

§  2014 was a magnanimous year: again, no rain outs, record vehicles registered for races

§  All time high for attendance at annual dinner and dollar total for fundraiser

§  Began work on building for showers, bathrooms and store

§  Used credit card transactions at the annual fundraiser with great success

§  Installed power to spectator side for the building and possible concessionaires

§  New spectator booth-spectacular!

§  Agreed to pursue Internet for 2015 races for payment method

Elections of officers:

Up for re-election:

President                  Greg Kirkwood

Vice-president         John Carnahan

Treasurer                  Terry Skones

Secretary                  Sharon Kindle

Nominations from the floor were called for and Roy Case nominated Marty Lundstrom with second by Shawn Lundstrom. Paper ballot resulted in Kirkwood being retained as president.

Carnahan, Skones and Kindle re-elected by unanimous vote.

Elections of Directors (3)

Up for re-election

Dylan Bergos

John Carnahan

Roy Case

Nominations from the floor were called for three times and Steve Nieffer moved to accept with second by Dan Stout and motion passed.

Corporate meeting adjourned.

Tour the building at the track