Phillips County Motor Sports, Inc.

Board Meeting Minutes

April, 25, 2015

Stretch’s Pizza, Malta


Call to order

Minutes of January 2015 Board meeting – strike corporate meeting will begin at 4 p.m. and insert “corporate meeting will begin at 12 noon”. Vote to accept Sharon Kindle moved to accept with second by Jan Kirkwood and motion passed. Correct Jessie Shipman isn’t painting exterior of building. Kindle moved to accept Jan 24 minutes as amended and corrected with second by Dan Stout.

Treasurer’s report, Terry Skones,  given by Kari Carnahan in the absence of treasurer. Dan Stout moved to accept with second by Steve Nieffer and motion approved.

Profit and Loss-Kari Carnahan given and will reflect changes from year to year now.

Old Business

ü Bleacher repair? Lundstrom & Case will be completed as weather permits.

ü High School trophy sponsors are Gary Mathwich and Kenny Westen.

ü Concessions? Possibility of RJ’s and John has discussed it with Jessie and Leslie Shipman and Jamie Jones.

ü Report on building progress: wiring has been inspected and passed on. Now the plumbing and heating is in progress, ceiling double sheet rocked. Will call for workers for the sheeting of walls.

ü Possible landscape proposal: Connie Dauch showed drawings of painted tires, excellent usage of recycling. Just east of building up from any smoke of cars. Possible small set of bleachers for parents. Safehold Insurance covers w/o extra charge. Will take proposal to Phillco for approval. No sharp corners or objects. Playground will not be supervised. Handicapped path from building and playground to track. Work on safe crossing for playground. Dauch to check on possible grants.

ü Six people + have sent $100 checks for May 30 race. Note: estimated expenses will be $2000-$2500 for the one day race.

ü FYI: Keep on back burner to secure more units stored in Quonset over winter @$40 per mo. Units can be stored in Quonset throughout season, but cannot be worked on in Quonset. Up to 8-10 units at one time.

ü IPad and Internet for Pit gate and apparel: at this time, only one IPad has been ordered for use at the pit gate. Mark Volkomer has all equipment needed for IPad operations.

ü Exhibition cars for Car Show and June race weekend will be Muddar and a tank. Stayed within projected budget for expo cars.

ü Wilkins wants to do alcohol show but must bear expenses.

New Business


Safehold Special Risk Ins.-agreed to renew insurance for the track; this is former Wells Fargo.

IHRA Store-selection of apparel, caps with recommended package deals showing the profit. Jan Kirkwood and John Carnahan will compare best sellers and decide what to stock for IHRA. Will look into display case or counters for apparel.

Paving turn-out; have $1,000 certificate from Mummy to help cover 1st $500 laying of asphalt. 3” with 40’ at turn then narrowing to 12’ will be $17,000 and will be made in payments of $5000 ea till paid. Steve Nieffer moved to accept with second by Roy Case and motion passed.

Neil Stahl will address board at later time on a Quick 16 race proposal.

The DVD was viewed from construction showing 1999-2007. A cake was served celebrating 15 years of being in business.

Closed regular board meeting