Saturday, December 5, 2015, minutes

Stretch’s Casino 1 p.m.

Present: Greg Kirkwood, Denny Overcast, Doug, Sharon Kindle, John and Kari Carnahan, Dan Olson, Gary Mathwich, Marty Lundstrom, Jared Stenberg, Dan Johnson and wife, Terry Skones, Dan Stout, Gary Faydo, Shon Lundstrom, Dylan Bergos, Rick Starkey, Dennis Bebee.

The meeting was called to order at 1 p.m. by President Kirkwood.

The Treasurer’s report was read and the list of statements paid since Sept. Kindle moved to approve the reports with second by Dan Olson and motion approved

The minutes will reflect changes of 50 gauge shotgun to be 20 gauge, also Shone be changed to Shon. Overcast moved to approve with second by Marty Lundstrom and motion approved.


*MAP-ongoing with aerial completion for 2016; Bergos stated will be done and show lots, names, roads.

*On that note, Bebee stated his office purchased a drone w/camera and picture[s] will be taken for FaceBook and the website.

**PIT GATE TICKET BOOTH-will be ongoing discussion and action when applicable, city will have to give approval as some city land will be used. Carnahan also added he would like to change the southeast side of the spectator area, up to the building, into parking for long units. A 6’ to 8’ fence would be built with chain link donated by CHS Big Sky [will have to find/purchase posts] and go beside road to building, south to pit area. The current fence would be taken out by staging area. This is pending. Fifteen plus parking spaces are needed.

*MDRA convention, Malta, March 3 & 4, 2016, GN Lodge. Friday, registration, track operator rules; Sat, general discussions and we are encouraged to have silent auction items to go towards MDRA. Awards banquet with dinner. Details will be on website and FaceBook.


·         2016 race dates are June 4 &5; June 18 & 19; July 23 & 24; Sept 3, 4, 5; Sept 24 & 25. Liz Brown Catering and City Hall will be reserved.

·         John Carnahan moved to contribute $2500 to the alcohol fuels cars, if they present plan in an appropriate time frame, for the June 4 & 5 weekend with second by Overcast. Gate fees will be paid by drivers and crew for alcohol cars.

·         Olson moved to contribute $2500 to the Quick 16 races with second by Case and motion passed.

·         PC Firemen will raise daily charge per man from $75 to $100 per day per race; unit to $100 per day so $300 a day total.

·         Committee of Dennis Bebee, Marty Lundstrom and Dan Stout to visit with Phillco on Quonset rent.

·         Annual meeting proposal: Lucky Bullet basement with Stretch’s pizza as Stretch’s back room is not open, secretary will visit with Oxarart. Annual meeting will be in April with DBA.

·         Estimated: $9700.00 is required prior to first 2016 race to pay necessary expenses.

·         At this time, President Kirkwood read letter of his resignation as president effective 12/31/15, thereby allowing new president to begin 2016. [Bylaws under VACANCIES state: The Board of Directors may fill any office which becomes vacant for any reason]

·         Director position open with Lundstrom stepping up as president, when/if elected.  Directors up for election: Dylan Bergos, John Carnahan and Roy Case

·         Secretary position open in April. [Skones wishes to combine this with her Treasurer position]

·         Bylaw change will be needed and proposed wording will be sent out by first of 2016.

·         Large sign at turn-in: no longer rented to Hitchin Post. Carnahan will give specs to Mathwich and he will visit with Craig Tillemann on both sides as Tillemann Motors now has two dealerships.

·         Bebee will check with Baldwin Ins. about wind damage to signs as the last wind tore several.

·         Cross-talk will be on at all times thus eliminating need for two dedicated people in tower to handle.

·         Nieffer sent request to revisit ET class breaks.

·         Techs to check for licenses during check-in on all vehicles.

·         Marty Lundstrom stated former security guard would no longer be working at track and Shon Lundstrom had offered to do the job.

·         At this time Kirkwood left meeting for another engagement and Vice-President Carnahan took over.

·         Starkey asked about person writing degrading remarks concerning dragstrip. The Malta Merchants, Chamber and Phillco are ready to step up with support if needed. At this time, PCMS is not responding to his comments. ‘

With no further business to come before the board, Dan Olson moved to adjourn with second by Kindle and meeting adjourned.


Respectfully submitted

Sharon Kindle, secretary