Thursday, September 10, 2015
Stretch’s Pizza, 6 p.m.
Present: Roy
& Nina Case, John & Kari Carnahan, Dylan Bergos, Greg Kirkwood, Dan
Stout, Terry Skones, Sharon Kindle, Marty Lundstrom
Kirkwood called meeting to order at 6 p.m. Thursday, September 10, 2015 at
Stretch’s Pizza.
Kindle moved to accept the minutes of August 13 with the name Shane struck
and insert Shone, also insert $2500
will be used for auction items.
president read the treasurer’s report and Kindle moved to accept with second by
Stout and motion accepted.
president read the statements paid and statements to be paid, and after
discussion of dollar amounts on certain statements, Stout moved to approve
statements with second by Bergos and motion approved.
update: Faydo will complete his job in the spring if
the heat is installed; Enerson will buff floors.
– it will be completed [aerial] by 2016 with lots marked.
rules-set aside until winter months and suggest members/drivers read through
for review. Can be found on the website under: HOME on
the bottom of page.
of Pit Gate: plan is to move gate to center of road to accommodate more drivers
easing registration. Dirt and gravel will have to be hauled to compete this
Banquet will be October 17, 2015 at the GN Lodge. Photos and names must be sent
to Kirkwood within two days to ensure plaques will be ready for banquet.
[MT Drag Racing Association] will be held in Malta, March 3 & 4, 2016 at
the GN Lodge.
billing: Kirkwood has invoiced Hi-Line Ford and Kari Carnahan will invoice Mint
Bar and Westside as PCMS purchased a program for this process.
dinner and auction: FFA to set up and take down and receive the $300 PCMS
required once hall is cleaned to specs. East parking lot is rented for Friday
and Saturday @ $50 per day. The gun raffle, a 50 guage
shotgun, will be sponsored by Miller, Westside Sporting Goods and Kirkwood.
Names of track point winners will be announced at dinner. Liz Brown is caterer
and Shriners have the bar. Kirkwood and Lundstrom
will provide extra tables and Kirkwood the extra chairs.
Trails is doing a Cartoon Map showing all businesses along the trail and PCMS
can be highlighted for $50. Bergos moved to support with second by Lundstrom and motion approved.
of wreaths placed along the track was denied at this time by Lundstrom.
moved to set aside 20 tickets as comp; after discussion, Bergos rescinded his
motion to read 25 comp tickets with second by Lundstrom
and motion approved.
will commence on pit side and lines will be painted prior to next race.
on having vehicles parked east of pit gate to ensure adequate parking for all
units concerning race vehicles and campers.
will visit with Tremblay on starting his day at 8 a.m. each race day at the pit
gate and circulating more through the grounds.
adjourned @ 8 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by
Sharon Kindle, secretary
Discussion on
placing the pit ticket booth in the center of the road; requires several loads
of dirt and gravel. The logistics will be looked into further during the winter
months. Reason: Ease congestion during driver sign-in.