Phillips County Motor Sports Inc.
A meeting was held on July 23, 2015 at 6:30pm in the casino at Stretches Pizza with the following members present: Greg Kirkwood, John Carnahan, Marty Lundstrom, Roy & Nina Case, Dan Stout, Dylan Bergos, Terry Skones and Kari Carnahan present.
President Kirkwood called the meeting to order. The Treasurer’s report was read and a motion to accept the report was made by Dan, seconded by Marty. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Marty to accept the statement of approval with the exception of the dollar amount on the Adam’s Asphalt bill. Seconded by Dylan. Motion carried. (John will check on the bill as there may have been a change since the original statement)
Old Business:
The question of delegation of positions and where to pick up envelopes was brought up. It was decided that the envelopes will be picked up at the bottom of the tower after the race. Terry plans to be at the next races and will make sure they get handed out. All areas of workers should be covered for the race.
There was also a question about where the bathroom supplies would be? Possibly in the tower?
An update on the remodel was given. John will get the bottom metal up after Ray J finishes the floor.
Roy will polyurethane the doors and built a shelf for the plaque for Gary. The sewer and water will be dug in and cement skirting put in as well as the RV dump to finish the project.
Business after hours was discussed for next year and Marty stated that it is set for June 2016.
New Business:
The building update was given under old business.
High school races were discussed and decided to have them on Sat of the Big dollar weekend. Kids are back in school and not off on vacation so this will work the best. It was decided that next year we will promote the high school race for every race in 2016, whether we have two kids or ten kids.
There was a question about the agenda about the sponsors line up for Iron Man? Should this be Big dollar sponsors? They have not been lined up yet.
Mr. Kirkwood said he had secured a canopy for the starters position area. It is 7 1/2 X 20 Ft. gabled awning. It will have an aluminum frame with canvas. The cost is $2,000 and Kirkwood Funeral Home will be the sponsor.
Other Business:
There was an issue with a water line flooding. John and Roy will fix.
The speaker wire will get pulled through in the next few days.
There will be entry forms for the Golden Nugget at the Pit gate this weekend.
There are no concessions for the 3 day race on Sept. 5, 6 & 7. Marty will check with the wrestlers to see if they want to do it. If not Dan Stout knows of a vendor from Harlem who could do Tacos etc.
The Summit Super Series is Aug. 20-23 in Spokane Wa.
A motion to adjourn was made by Marty and seconded by Dan