Regular meeting, Jan. 24, 2015, Saturday, 12 noon Stretch’s Casino
Present: Roy Case, Nina Marlenee,
Terry Skones, Dan Stout, John Carnahans, Dennis Bebee, Steve Niefers, Gary
Mathwich, Dylan Bergos, Denny Overcast, Jack Gingery, Shane Christainsen, Don
Snell, Darrel Kovach, Greg Kirkwood, Sharon Kindle
In the absence of President Kirkwood, Vice-President Carnahan called the meeting to order Saturday, January 24 at 12 noon in the Casino at Stretch’s Pizza.
Minutes from previous meeting were looked over
and Denny Overcast moved to approve with second by Kindle and motion passed.
Treasurer’s report was given by Terry Skones
with motion made by Sharon Kindle and second by Gary Mathwich and motion passed
to accept report.
Carnahan purchased and brought to Malta $9,000
worth of VHT and “gold dust” for the 2015 season.
Old business
§ Info on IPad for use at the driver entry gate? Kari Carnahan is working with the City on sharing Internet service so credit cards may be utilized at the driver gate for the 2015 season. A smart phone would work, IF Internet is available.
§ Repair bleachers—this is since Dec 2013: Wells Fargo notified PCMS this needed to be taken care of ASAP as it would affect our insurance. Marty Lundstrom and Roy Case have volunteered to perform this duty.
§ Progress on building? The power will be turned on this week, January 25. A possibility of a ‘walk through’ on Wed or Thurs of this week with Kovach, Faydo and Carnahan. Plans will be laid out and Faydo will begin the carpentry work.
§ Has the generic purchase order book been utilized? Generic Purchase Order book is being used and Kindle will draft a notice to all businesses PCMS deals with to be posted and on file with signatures allowed on the order to show validity. This does not affect the use of the credit card.
§ High school class racing? After much discussion, it was decided to proceed with this during the Labor Day race weekend. A trophy sponsor[s] is needed and would be approximately $300-400. One sponsor has stepped up and would like a ‘partner’. Iron Man would be included. More details as plans are made.
§ Concessions? What we have now will stay on the spectator side. We are in need of lunch concessions. Joe’s in and Out have been contacted, Skones will visit with a person as will others and keep us updated.
§ $25,000 note signed for the finishing of the building.
New Business
Ø July race dates changed to July 25 and 26.
Ø Need dollars coming in during off season to supplement Quonset payment – PCMS will put more effort into procuring vehicles, boats, motor homes, campers for storage during the off-season months. Footage will be factored into the larger units. Will work up a contract, ask for proof of insurance and have lease agreement.
Quonset yearly expense: $400 a mo. x 12 = $4800 plus electricity
NOTE: Kirkwood entered the meeting at this time with Carnahan continuing to officiate.
Ø Dylan-rent versus making vinyl signs? Bergos is storing a car in the Quonset and to date owes only $15 however when the new vinyls are made, PCMS and other businesses will owe him.
Ø KMMR auction in March-suggestions as to what to put in: will be two hoodies and the next auction will feature a ride down the track in a vehicle that meets requirement for passengers.
Ø Concrete posts, etc moved from Greg’s Quonset to PCMS’. Fee of $550 owed by someone as Greg paid rent on F&R’s fork lift and paid up to four guys to move posts. This was done as drilling was to have been done because of Brownfield and now is on hold. The statement of $550 will be turned into Phillco as we lease from them however, Dan Stout moved with a second by Dennis Bebee to reimburse Kirkwood for now and motion passed.
Ø Propose changing the last part of PCMS’s Mission Statement to make it “flow” better. Would read ‘the’ awarding of scholarships versus and to award scholarships. General consensus was to change wording and will be on the agenda of corporate meeting in April.
Ø Letters have been mailed to schools on 2015 scholarships; two 2014 recipients have claimed their $500 scholarships so far.
Ø Emails and letters have been sent on reserved lots with some already paid. It was agreed to add five (5) more reserved lots at the far west end with Gingery and Christiansen paying for two at this time. Carnahan will mark the lots off.
Ø Corporate meeting will be April 25, 2015, at Stretch’s with no-host smorgasbord beginning at 4 p.m. Speaker and or presentation announced at later time.
Ø Carnahan received approval to have Jesse Shipman paint the exterior of the building once new windows, doors and exterior work is done. Carnahan will pressure wash paint off if possible.
Ø Phillip Henderson and Darrel Kovach will work on water and sewer.
Ø It was agreed PCMS take part in the Harlem Seed Show with Overcast setting it up. Caps will be given as door prizes, pictures of the race will be on view and 2015 race cards will be handed out.
Drivers have requested a 1st Race Weekend and it will be Saturday, May 30, both lanes, $100 per car to be paid in full by May 15 and 20 cars are needed to guarantee a race. Time is 11-5. This is strictly a Test and Tune as several have worked on vehicles over the winter. Overcast and Case will be available for Annual Techs at this time. No break at noon, run straight through. Check the website, forum, and your email on the Breaking News story for complete information and details.
Dave Schaffel
will be doing chassis cert Sunday February 15, at John Carnahan's shop
734 South 6th Street West, Malta Mt. start at11:00am
Ø It was
decided to check into Nitro Mike and Ken Webster for expo cars for the June Car
Show weekend. A $3000-$5000 price range was given Carnahan to deal with.
Ø PCMS will
be represented at MDRA in Lewistown Feb 14.
Ø Kari
Carnahan gave out a complete Profit and Loss statement of PCMS for 2014.
With no further business to come before the board, Overcast moved for adjournment with second by Kindle and motion passed.
Respectfully submitted by
Sharon Kindle, secretary