Annual Corporate Meeting of

Phillips County Motor Sports, Inc.

Stretch’s Pizza, Malta MT

12 noon, Saturday April 19, 2014


Call to order:  President Kirkwood at 1:00 pm

Welcome to all

Treasurer’s report given by President Kirkwood in the absence of Terri Skones.  Denny Overcast moved to accept the report as read with a second by Marty Lundstrom and motion passed.

A decision was made to go ahead and pay the Volunteer Fire Department for Holiday flag services.  Darrell Kovach of HiLine Plumbing volunteered to sponsor the building and installation of the flag bracket to be located on the PCMS sign by highway 191 south.

Minutes of 2013 Corporate Meeting:  Dan Stout moved to accept the minutes as read with a second by Don Snell and motion passed.

Old Business:  none

New Business:

Accomplishments for 2013-

·         Floor poured for the new building.  It was successfully placed and anchored on its new foundation.

·         Reached an agreement with Northwestern Energy to install power to the new building.  Trenching will be done under the track.  Access to power will be supplied to the concessionaires.  A new line will be run down to the equipment shed at the east end of the track to make it more convenient to maintain the track prep equipment.

·         We had a successful year of racing with no rain-outs.

·         A new camera obtained from Benefis Healthcare was installed at the west end of the track to enhance safety at and after the finish line.

Discussions on the new building: 

The electrical was inspected by Tom Miller and he suggested that all of the old wiring be taken out of the building and replaced with new in order to meet building codes.  The old copper could be sold to recover some of the costs involved.  It was also discussed that all of the old drywall be taken down and replace with plywood.  Kovach reminded the building crew to make sure and get with him when constructing the bathroom/shower rooms so that he could make sure it was done as such that it would comply with the plumbing codes.

Election of Officers:

Up for election:  Executive

Greg Kirkwood – President

John Carnahan – Vice President

Terri Skones – Treasurer

Sharon Kindle – Secretary

There were three calls for nominations and none were made.  Marty Lundstrom moved nominations cease and a unanimous ballet be cast, second by Darrell Kovach and motion passed.



Election of Board of Directors:

Up for election: Board Members

Don Snell

Denny Overcast

Dan Stout

There were three calls for nominations and none were made.  Marty Lundstrom moved nominations cease and a unanimous ballet be cast, second by Dennis Bebee and motion passed.


A motion to adjourn was made by John Carnahan and second by Roy Case.  Motion passed and meeting was adjourned at 2:45 pm.


Respectfully submitted by

Kari Carnahan, acting as secretary in the absence of Secretay Sharon Kindle.