Phillips County Motor Sports, Inc. minutes
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Stretch’s Casino, noon
Present: Marty Lundstrom, Roy and Nina
Case, Denny Overcast and guest Doug, Sharon Kindle, Dan Stout, John and Kari
Carnahan, Dylan Bergos, Terry Skones.
Ø In the absence of President Kirkwood, Vice-President Carnahan called meeting to order at 12:30 p.m.
Treasurer Skones reported PCMS financial statements. Idea put out to use IPad for entry fees and process credit cards. Lundstrom moved we use IPad for processing credit cards at pit gate with second by Overcast and motion carried. [Power will be supplied when electricity is installed in storage shed]
Ø Kari Carnahan handed out the profit and loss balance sheet. Carnahan followed through on all five races and showed an average of 87 cars per race during the 2014 season.
Secretary Kindle reported minutes prepared by Skones from previous meeting were correct.
Carnahan will visit with Gary Faydo on bleachers. Lundstrom asked where lumber for repair was and there is some under bleachers on west end. Once repaired a photo must be taken and sent to insurance company.
Ø Darrell Kovach will mark concrete where the walls will be constructed so Faydo can begin the carpentry process.
NWE will be here the end of Oct to lay the underground lines to spectator side. The boring is done under track and Fred Messerly has agreed to let us use his trencher. Tires will have to be purchased and his son will be paid a sum of $500 for the work. Kindle moved to purchase tires and pay Charlie Messerly $500 for trenching with second by Dan Stout and motion carried. Tires estimated to be around $300.
Phillip Henderson and Darrell Kovach will dig in water and sewer lines and gas lines once Tony Boos has marked the gas lines. Heater [from bank] can then be installed to heat building.
Ø Bergos stated he had a generic Purchase Order book and each purchase must be accompanied by a signed P.O. This erases the ruling on books that anything over $100 must have approval.
Carnahan and Begos suggested a day of high school and junior dragsters races could be held on a Saturday with full bore racing on Sunday. There is interest in the high school class.
Ø Concessions: Darla Neibur still undecided about doing them for 2015 but if so would cut back on menu to burgers, hotdogs and fries. Talk of moving concessions to pit side but space is at a premium now for parking. Will be worked on more throughout winter season. Crossroads Coffee would be moved to pit side as well.
Clearer marked parking spots will be done in 2015 to ease congestion. Absolutely no parking on north road as was case this season.
Ø Once Bergos has a sufficient number of sponsors he will do the signs ordered. Milk River Co-op’s name is changing so PCMS pays for new sign. We replace signs as they show wear at no charge to sponsors.
A secret ballot was done for the Hard Luck Trophy with candidates being Denny Overcast, Bobbi Jo Wilkins, and Justin Koop. Roy Case makes this trophy from broken pieces found at the track.
Ø Plaques will be ordered for the Phillips County Firemen, Phillips County Ambulance, P D Septic Inc. and the ones Kirkwood has made for winners. Overcast is in charge of regular plaques. The above three will have a representative invited to the Awards dinner in Nov.
Bergos said he would have Sassy Seconds do the jackets this year.
Ø The note for the building will be signed this next week and will be a draw as needed. It was agreed the existed debt would be paid half from savings and half from checking thereby clearing that from the books.
Awards dinner is Saturday, November 8, GN Lodge, with 5:30 No-Host Happy Hour and dinner at 6:30. Lundstrom will set up buffet with Tim and let us know the price.
Ø Both sets of wooden toilets will be demolished and hauled to dump. Kindles will remove hand dispensers and toilet paper rollers prior. The other unit which kept blowing over will be taken to dump as well.
It was suggested t-shirts be ordered in large, extra large and XXL for anyone who volunteers[d] at the track. Perhaps a neon color so it can be easily recognized. It would have slogan of “SMOKIN STILL ALLOWED” on back.
Ø Carnahan said oil for sealing cracks has been used and will have to purchase additional to finish. Will use his pressure washer to blow out cracks.
Kindle moved to adjourn meeting at 1:45 with second by Skones and motion carried.
Sharon Kindle, secretary
Respectfully submitted