Phillips County Motor Sports meeting,
Oct 12, 2013, 12 noon
Present: Greg Kirkwood, Dan Stout, Roy
Case, Marty Lundstrom, Dennis Bebee, Sharon Kindle, Terry Skones.
Terry Skones, Treasurer, gave report
and expenses, [see attachment]. Stout moved to accept both with second by Case
and motion passed.
Sharon Kindle, secretary
, offered minutes from September meeting, with motion by Kindle for approval and second by Stout and motion
Old business: NWE to building was first offered at $6740,
and they would do trenching, etc.
Put on spring list: finish putting up
vinyl signs and concrete ones
Concrete apron on building, $900 in concrete was purchased at the
KMMR auction as a start towards the concrete ‘apron’ around the building.
Report on new depositing system, Skones stated the system worked without a ‘hitch’ and was a
good time to try it out with our full weekend of events. Each ‘bag’ of money
from all events is counted, and each bag starts the new day with start-up cash
as all other monies are placed in sealed bag, marked what it is from, sealed
and put in drop box at the 1st State Bank. All deposits reconciled
to the penny.
New business: Take action on NWE: this was done at the beginning of meeting.
Roy Case, Hard Luck Trophy-who? A secret ballot was taken, and all ballots
given to Case who will announce the winner at the January awards dinner. Skones
is to check on who paid for the jackets in 2012.
Work up budget for building, do we
have quote from F & R?
Electrical and
plumbing quotes?
These quotes were not given, however Farmers
and Ranchers quoted, $3500 for interior of building. Faydo and company are
ready to go when ever funds are available.
Blow out water lines; this has been
done. Store picnic tables, all but one is put away and that will be taken care
of shortly.
2014 race dates
will be set ASAP, however Kindle has responded to inquiries asking for dates
PCMS always races the weekend of 1st State Bank car show and our
3-day Labor Day race.
Would Schultz be interested in
heading up his $500 “Challenge” to
raise money for building? PCMS will ask Cory and Ron if they are interested in
spear-heading a Challenge to other business entities in the race circle to
complete the building.
Kindle said officers and directors
should consider giving $100 each and
this was agreed upon
All present agreed to donate. The challenge will go out to the
email list.
The fall awards meeting will be January which enables the awards, such
as jackets and plaques to be ordered.
At this time, it is unknown where the
MDA will meet and when.
PCMS’ corporate meeting will be in March or April depending on the
Lundstrom mentioned Hi-Line Dragstrip was named Division 6 Track of the
Year. It is on the PCMS facebook page.
There being no other business to come
before the board, Lundstrom moved for adjournment at 1:15 with second by Case
and motion seconded.
Respectfully submitted,
Sharon Kindle, secretary