Phillips County Motor Sports, Inc.

Saturday, July 13, 1 p.m. in Stretch’s Casino

Present: Steve Nieffer, Roy Case, Marty Lundstrom, Dan Stout, Dylan Bergos, Denny Overcast, Greg Kirkwood, Sharon Kindle

President Kirkwood called meeting to order at 1 p.m. on Saturday, July 13, 2013 in Stretch’s Casino.

Treasurer’s report provided by Jim Sandsness

Motion to approve report and bills paid for month of June by Overcast with second by Stout and passed.

Minutes of March meeting: Lundstrom moved to approve with second by Overcast and passed.

Old business:

*Bank building-state building inspector

Yancey Beston, State Building Inspector, came by the funeral home yesterday, June 25, about the bank building. He said we will have to get a State Building Permit, have master electricians and plumbers do the work. The building will have to be totally Handicap  Accessibility, all electrical and plumbing will have to be up to code . He said he will be watching the progress, as we built the tower without a permit. I feel that one of our members should take the bull by the horns and handle the construction, plans, workers and permits. Phillips Henderson will finish the dirt work, Jess Shipman said he would do the concrete work. It would be nice if that person had some experience in construction. Gary Faydo has said he would be willing to do the finish carpentry work. Let me know when I need to call for a board meeting to get the directors involved. Greg K.  

**need budget for building as built in the 60’s so has to be rewired, that means tearing out sheetrock, have to use master electrician and plumber [which we have], everything must meet handicap accessibility. Have sinks [if they still meet code] commodes, will build in showers with hand wands. Need someone to draw blue print to scale for state.

Tabled until next meeting.

*Increase our vinyl sponsors-we have with a few new ones: Art’s Furniture, Ezzies’ Wholesale, Blaine Co Cruisers, Swift Current Drag Racing Assn, Benefis [GT Falls]

New Business:

*Elect new treasurer: Sandsness has recommended Terry Scones, officer at First State Bank

Bergos moved to nominate Skones for treasurer with second by Stout and passed.

*Asked Phillco to consider a longer lease such as 20 yr, Kirkwood has been advised Phillco will draw up a 10 yr lease now which will go into 2023.

Asked Phillco to consider renegotiating the rent on the hanger and this is a no go so far but will continue to work on it.

*Benefis donated camera in place of a 4x8 sign for five years. This is a 24/7 security camera which will be mounted by our timer Friday July 26. We have people using the track area to potty dogs, and generally driving around on the grounds.

*VHT is in Denver and need to get it to Malta, this was left on the table.

Logistics is a business which erects man camps for housing for the Keystone Pipeline and has contacted Phillco as to possible use of some area on the MBIDD. [This is the former airport where the track is]. They had been shown the northwest corner [grass area] but Carnahan showed them the land Phillco has west of city shop on the south side of the track. No decision as yet.

The cardboard from Malta Opps Inc. is being stacked up better so PCMS can use the area on northwest end for parking.

Former sign of Westside’s that was by where Henderson’s shop is now is taken down and Henderson not putting it back up. Bergos will discuss with Bob Ereaux about using the south side of entrance sign presently advertising Hitchin’ Post. It was not renewed.

Lundstrom said he’d see that the weeds on staging pad were sprayed prior to race.

Garren Kirkwood will finish putting up hand sanitizers in bathrooms.

Henderson will work on gravel for building and roll and pack it.

Our timer will install the win lights on guardrails for drivers.

Being no further business to come before the board, meeting was adjourned at 2 p.m.

Sharon Kindle, secretary