Annual Corporate Meeting of

Phillips County Motor Sports, Inc.

Stretch’s Pizza, Malta MT 

12 noon, Saturday March 23, 2013


Call to order: President Kirkwood at 2:30 p.m.

Welcome to all

Treasurer report: Sandsness: Dennis Bebee moved to accept the report as submitted with second by Neil Stahl and motion passed.

Minutes: Kindle, Roy Case moved to accept the minutes with second by Denny Overcast and motion passed.

Old business: none

It was suggested the corporate meeting be changed to October and this will be checked into as by-laws would need to be changed at March 2013 corporate meeting and needs advance notification. After discussion, it was decided to have an October awards banquet and leave the annual meeting in March. Motion by Steve Neiffer and second by Dylan Bergos.

New business:

President Kirkwood reported to the members on accomplishments of the 2013 season.

Article II

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Members in good standing, shall be entitled to vote so long as they were a member of record prior to the setting of a record date. (clarification: if you were a member in 2012 for the annual meeting, you are eligible to vote at this meeting)

Discussion on time brake situation: the middle box is a problem; no time limits for box-now box. 750 carries for sportsman. Motion by Neil Stahl and second by Steve Neiffer and motion passed.

Discussion on points races: on buy back points every time you win; motion by John Carnahan and second by Steve Neiffer and motion passed.

New Business:

Election of officers:

Slate to date:

President                                            Greg Kirkwood                  Treasurer: Jim Sandsness             Dir: J Carnahan

Vice-President                                 John Carnahan                  Secretary: Sharon Kindle                      Dan Olson  

Don Snell moved nominations for officers cease and an unanimous ballot be cast, second by Steve Neiffer and motion passed.

Director nominations: Dylan Bergos, John Carnahan, Dan Olson, Roy Case. A paper ballot was cast with the results as such: John Carnahan, Roy Case, and Dylan Bergos. Brent Waters moved to accept the ballots as cast with second by Dennis Bebee and motion passed.

Jackets and plaques, from First State Bank and A Fine Line Auto Body were given to the winners from the final race of the season. Kirkwood Funeral Home presented granite plaques to the winners as well.

There being no further business to come before the annual corporate meeting, it was adjourned at 3:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by

Sharon Kindle, secretary