Phillips County Motor Sports, Inc.
Board of Directors Meeting, December 8, 2012
Stretch’s 1:00
Present: Denny Overcast and guest,
John Carnahan, Sharon Kindle, Doyle Grant, Darrell Kovach, Chris Parker, Logan
Kent, Garren Kirkwood, Greg Kirkwood, Marty Lundstrom,
Roy and Nina Case.
President Kirkwood called meeting to order at 12:45 p.m., Thursday, December 8, 2012 at Stretch’s Pizza.
Treasurer’s report was given by Carnahan in the absence of Sandsness.
Bills that had been paid. Lundstrom moved to accept treasurer’s report and bills that had been paid and to pay the outstanding bills with second by Overcast and motion passed.
Lundstrom moved to approve minutes of October 20th meeting with second by Kindle and motion passed.
Old Business:
Status on Tilleman Motors-Carnahan has the art work complete and needs proofed then to get it printed and up.
Math has paid for guard rail purchased from PCMS.
New Business:
Finalize race dates: June 8 & 9; June 22 & 23; July 27 & 28; Aug 31, Sept 1 & 2; and Sept 21 & 22. Kindle moved to accept race dates with second from Grant and motion passed.
Mark calendar
for June 29, 2013,
Decide on opening “act” for June race was a motion by Lundstrom to have Haynes in June, and work with Jelly Belly last race or Iron Man weekend if this works with them. Second by Kovach and motion passed.
American Prairie Foundation would like a link to our website and visa versa for their out of area visitors, was discussed and decision was not to have their link on website.
How to raise funds for getting bank building on foundation may be possible radiothon in the spring, in conjunction with Malta Trails, Inc. PCMS is open to ideas from all concerned.
John Demarais, city engineer and Malta Trails representative, was unable to be there and he and Carnahan will visit on issues of funding and working on city water, sewer and gas. Marty suggested this be tabled until January meeting when more information is available.
Kovach did suggest putting walkways, handicap accesses, ramp and railings into the estimate for concrete.
Wells Fargo, Inc. is wanting to insure everything on NHRA and IHRA tracks as it would save dollars for tracks. In the meantime, PCMS will go with K&K Insurance for time being.
Lundstrom moved PCMS visit with Bebee on insurance on bank building, second by Overcast and motion passed. PCMS will look at $10,000 worth of insurance for now.
Speaker is needed for corporate meeting in March with tentative date of the 23rd [need to make sure banquet room at Stretch’s is open; will reserve now.]
Grant put forth the idea of Hi-Line Dragstrip stickers that don’t fade. Suggested Bergos make three [3] designs and a vote taken on one.
Kindle is to contact person with espresso stand south of Grass Range and see if they are willing to sell now [weren’t when contacted before] and how much?
It was suggested the corporate meeting be changed to October and this will be checked into as by-laws would need to be changed at March 2013 corporate meeting and needs advance notification.
Lundstrom had “food for thought” that PCMS never spend more than half of reserve at any time.
Grant is to look for brooms for track on the Interent.
Chris Parker was introduced as a new volunteer at the track.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 2:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sharon Kindle, secretary