Phillips County Motor Sports, Inc.
Board of Directors meeting, Saturday, October 20, 2012
Stretch’s 1:00
Present: Tom
Miller, Bill Foster, Denny Overcast, John and Kari Carnahan, Jim Sandsness,
In the absence of President Kirkwood, vice-president Carnahan called the meeting to order at 1 p.m.
Carnahan called for the treasurer’s report.
Kindle moved to accept the report with a second by Overcast and motion passed.
The statements to date which have been paid were presented and Overcast moved to approve with a second by Kindle and motion passed. [see attachment]
An email from Dan Olson pertaining to race cars for the dinner and auction was presented and Sandsness moved to approve payment with a second by Kindle for $120, and motion passed.
Kirkwood will bill HiLine Ford in
Old Business:
Continue to work on more people to assist at the track.
Pit bleachers are a must in the spring to redo.
The guardrails have been loaded on Math’s truck and will be paid for after he measured and compares with our figures. Should be in the ballpark of $4000.
The bathrooms for the spectator side will be covered in new business.
Dinner and Auction was a success: made less than in 2011 but still a good financial event. The $25 dinner tickets sold as well as the former price of $20.
New Business:
Greg Kirkwood will call Independence Bank president Cody Oxarart Monday to get a schedule as to when PCMS can start getting the building ready to move to the track.
If fill dirt and gravel are needed PCMS will work with Mark Holman; we have access to a cat and dozer, and a backhoe with members capable of using them.
It was not decided what the small east entry way of the former bank building would be used for.
The concrete has to be poured ASAP because of weather and if Jones shuts down his concrete plant early.
An alert will go out when ‘all hands on deck’ are needed to work on moving the building.
PCMS purchased one FFA member and can pay as we go on five more throughout the race season. Two want to volunteer in 2013 after working at the track as an FFA slave.
Abrahamsons have winterized the water trucks and Dan Olson services and fixes problems so thank you to all.
Picnic tables are all in Quonset, bathrooms locked up, computers out of tower; will see what else comes up to do prior to winter.
Dan Olson
informed up Bob Rienhart, #414 car, had passed away in
There being no further business to come before the board, Carnahan adjourned the meeting.
Sharon Kindle, secretary