Phillips County Motor Sports, Inc.
Minutes for August 9, 2012, 6:30 p.m. at Stretch’s
Present: Jim Sandsness, Doyle Grant, Marty Lundstrom, Dan Olson, Denny Overcast, John Carnahan, Greg Kirkwood, Dennis Bebee, Sharon Kindle, and Kari Carnahan.
President Kirkwood called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. at Stretch’s August 9, 2012 with the above in attendance.
Treasurer Sandsness gave the treasurer’s report and went over the statements from April through July and John Carnahan moved to accept statements and pay remaining ones with a second by Denny Overcast and motion passed.
Snell moved to approve the January minutes with a second by Grant and motion approved.
Old business:
Chain link fence still needs to be put up on pit side from tower to turn out.
Shade for grandstands the Chamber has hasn’t been checked out as yet.
New business:
In need of twice the workers we have at the track. Kari contacted the juvenile officer and he approved the idea for kids to work at the track for community service. There are none available now, but she will contact Judge Taylor to see what his thoughts are. Otherwise, mention to people we are in need of volunteers especially as we have a three day race coming up.
Discussion on implementing new pit prices for 2013 where the pit crew would purchase a weekend pass for $15 thereby saving $5 per weekend. Discussion on $10 on spectator side was not favorably received and both ideas will be reviewed in 2013.
Blue and white cards for drivers were used with success at the last race with the blue for Sunday and cards can be signed by tech on Saturday. Kari will come up with a plan for the 3-day race in September.
The pit bleachers will be tackled this fall when weather cools.
The annual dinner and auction was discussed and three people will get bids for this and report back via email.
Carnahan informed the members he discussed bathrooms for the track with Courtney Moles of Phillco and she was receptive and will work on possible grants. It would be flush toilets and possibly showers on the spectator side about where the wooden units are now and a vaulted toilet on the pit side up by scoreboards which would be handicapped equipped. This bathroom may be made possible by working with Malta Trails and grants.
Bob Math will purchase guardrail at $1.75 a foot and enough rails are saved back for possible repairs for PCMS.
Lundstrom will bring in the paper for the time slips and more will be ordered. Who orders the printer cartridge for the tower printer? One is needed now.
Jan Kirkwood has earplugs for workers that wish to use them free of charge.
PCMS will hold a short meeting August 30, 6:30 at
Stretch’s to organize the workforce for the Iron Man Race in September.
Things we all will work on: putting concrete signs on guardrails, sealing the picnic table legs, using a router to make a rectangle for the donation plaques, toilet lids on men’s toilets on spectator side [wooden unit]
There being no other business to come before the board, Sharon Kindle moved to adjourn at 8 p.m. with a second by Dennis Bebee and motion passed.
Sharon Kindle, secretary