The purpose of the IHRA Division 6, Summit Team Finals is to promote
IHRA Drag Racing at member tracks on a local level and reward attendance
with national recognition and competition.
1. TEAM PRE ENTRY - Each track will be responsible for collecting and
paying to IHRA the car & driver entry fees for their team and providing
a final roster. This must be done on or before September 5, 2011.
2. DRIVER ELIGIBILITY - Each participating track will keep a “points”
system to determine the drivers who will represent their track. Each
racer must be entered in the points program, as well as run at least (3)
points meets, of the track he represents. No buy-in entries from racers
not running at local track. Any track found using buy-in entries may be
suspended for 1 year if so voted by participating Track Operators. The
2010 IHRA Nitro Jam World Champions and 2010 NHRA World Champions are
not eligible. Track operators do not need 3 points races to compete.
3. TEAM COMPOSITION - Each team will consist of 30 qualified members and
up to 2 alternates.
There is no entry limit for any class. This includes Juniors. The
alternates will be allowed to time trial and enter the bonus races, even
if no one scratches from the qualified team. Only Team Members whose
names appear on the final rosters, including alternates, are “eligible”
to compete in the bonus races.
4. SECOND TEAM - Tracks are allowed to bring a second team as long as
the racers on that team meet the eligibility requirements. Once a racer
is listed on final roster, they may not switch teams. Tracks choosing to
bring a second team will only have to pay team entry fee one time.
Tracks wishing to do so must inform division director BEFORE July 1st,
2011. Each team points will be tabulated separately.
5. TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP - The Team Championship will be determined by a
points system with one (1) point being awarded to the winner of each
round. All run-off points count toward team totals. In the case of a
tie, the team that had the competitor that went farthest in competition
will be awarded the higher position. If there is still a tie, the team
that finished higher the prior year will be the Winner. Each member of
the winning team will receive a jacket. Winning track is responsible for
ordering jackets. IHRA will pay winning track $50 per team member. The
winning track will receive an Ironman.
6. CREDENTIALS, MEMBERSHIP & LICENSING - Each participant, including
Juniors &
Motorcycles, must be a current licensed member of IHRA. All racers 9.99
& quicker in the 1/4
mile must have an approved license. Forms will be provided to Track
Operators. License runs will not
be allowed at the Team Finals. Participants and crew coming in after the
posted gate closing time will
have to have their credentials left in the overnight will call to gain
admission when the gates are
secured. Track operators or team members are responsible for setting
this up in advance.
7. TRACK CODE & PERMANENT NUMBERS - Each participant must have a track
code and competition number permanently displayed on all four sides of
the vehicle. IHRA will select and furnish the track code decals. The
furnished Tracjk Code decals must be on the passenger side of the
vehicle before the car number. The track may issue any number they
choose, up to six digits total, including the track code (example:
CR6567). Shoe polish is prohibited. No duplicate numbers on the same
team even if they are running a different class.
8. TECH INSPECTION – Tech Inspection is the responsibility of each
individual track. All vehicles will be inspected, in advance of the
race, by and at the home track. The track operator will then issue a
tech card to the participating racer. This tech card will serve as the
racers’ credential when registering at the racetrack. Random inspection
will be performed by an IHRA official at the event. Chassis
Certifications will not be done on site.
9. WRIST BANDS – An IHRA official will install a colored band on the
wrist of each person admitted through the track gate. Team members,
alternates, team captains, track employees and crewmembers must wear the
wristband at all times throughout the weekend.
10. TEAM CAPTAIN - Each track will provide a track owner/operator or
manager to serve as Team Captain for their team at the Team Finals.
Track Operator or appointed captain must arrive early and park their
11. RACERS - No racer may represent more than one (1) track at the
Bracket Finals. A racer may enter two vehicles as long as the driver
meets the eligibility requirements for both vehicles and the vehicles
are in different categories at the event. This rule applies to the main
event as well as the gamblers and bonus races. Racers MUST be listed on
the roster for both classes. No double entering of the same car. Once a
racer declares the team he/she wishes to represent, he/she may not
change teams. Two drivers are not allowed to drive the same vehicle.
12. SUMMIT SUPERSERIES RUN OFF –Each participating track may enter 1
(one) track champion from “Top” and “Mod” class. These drivers must be
the actual Summit SuperSeries Track Champion or points leader at that
point. No substitutions. Elimination pairings will be laddered based on
the best non-red reaction time from the designated time run. Lane choice
will be determined by card pull.
13. TRACK OPERATORS RACE - Will be open to Team Captains of each
participating track. The race will be run on Saturday and is limited to
non-competition street legal cars only. No electronics of any kind
allowed. The team captain entering this race may not race on a regular
basis. This is the only race in which the team captain can participate
except as stated in Paragraph 4 above.
14. TIME TRIALS - Time trials will be run in sessions by class. Racers
should not come to the staging lanes until their class is called. Large
classes will be split with colored run cards to enhance traffic flow and
reduce waiting time in the lanes.
15. ATV's & PIT BIKES – The permanent number of the racecar must be
displayed on all such vehicles. No joy riding permitted. Track Owners
will be responsible for enforcing this rule. Violators will be
disqualified and points will be deducted from the team. All drivers or
riders of any gasoline or electric powered vehicle must have a valid
16. THREE ELIMINATORS - Will be contested:
TOP (7.00 – 11.99 Cars & Bikes)
MOD (7.50 and slower Cars & Bikes)
17. ELECTRONICS - The penalty for intentional non-compliance will result
in a five (5)-poinr reduction for the team, and a one (1) year
suspension from all competition for the racer
All Classes - Stutter Boxes and Wheel Pickup Sensing Devices are
prohibited. Throttle Stops prohibited.
Top ET - Delay Boxes, Trans Brakes, Two-Steps, and Playback Tachometers
are allowed. Factory (OEM) installed computers will be permitted, but
Lap Top Computers are not allowed while in competition. No throttle
Mod ET – No Delay Boxes. Two Steps, line locks and Trans Brakes are
allowed. Pneumatic or electric shifters permitted.
Junior Dragster - Limited to one pull back after the burnout. Starter is
the only one who can touch the car after the pre stage bulb is lit.
18. CHRISTMAS TREE –The tree will be separated with a blinder and the
top bulbs will be open. LED bulbs will be used with cones. Crosstalk
will not be used.
19. AUTOSTART – Auto Start will be used to start races. .000 reaction
times will be displayed. See the IHRA Rulebook for details.
20. LANE CHOICE - Racers wanting the left lane should line up in odd
numbered staging lanes (3 & 5) and racers wanting the right lane should
line up in even numbered staging lanes (2 & 4) for all runs. Should the
racers remaining want the same lane, an IHRA Official will determine
lane choice using playing cards.
21. BYE RUNS - Bye runs will be determined for the first round randomly
by an IHRA Tower Official. The racer with the best reaction time from
the previous round will receive the bye in the following round from the
second round on. In the case of a tie, the driver running the closest to
his dial (excluding breakouts) will receive the bye. A racer will
continue to be eligible for a bye until he receives one. Once he
receives one, he will not be eligible again until everyone else left in
the class has received a bye. A new bye run will be selected every
round. Note: this takes precedent over the team rule. Note: If the racer
selected for a bye is mistakenly missed and runs in competition, the run
will stand regardless of the outcome. The bye run will receive lane
22. TEAM MEMBER vs. TEAM MEMBER - The Summit Team Finals is an event
designed to promote team competition. Therefore, racers from the same
team will not run each other, even in a run-off situation, unless they
are the only ones left in competition. Circumstances such as the number
of entries, track layout, pit parking and traffic can occur that may
make this difficult to accomplish. It is the tracks responsibility to
help assure that racers from the same team do not run each other. If
racers from the same team running each other should become the only
alternative, the cars will run each other and the runs will stand. Note:
the only exception to this is in a bye run situation.
23. TEAM PIT PARKING SELECTION - Team parking for the first year will be
a random draw. The number 1 finisher parks in location 1, number 2 in
location 2, etc. Details and maps will be supplied. Grandstand selection
will be based first come first served at the event.
24. GAMBLER’S RACES - Will be held on Friday and Sunday. Driver may
enter more than 1 car in the gamblers races. Racers may not double enter
the same car.
25. RACE PROCEDURE AND SAFETY RULES - All IHRA Race Procedure and Safety
Rules will be in effect unless stated otherwise in this agreement.
Contestants should become familiar with the IHRA Rulebook, Revisions and
this Agreement before entering the event.
26. DEEP STAGING - Please be aware that Deep Staging is not allowed in
any class except juniors
27. SPECIAL AWARDS - Each track will enter one vehicle per category.
Each entry will receive a dash plaque for having been selected by his
track to compete in the “Best Awards”.
Best Awards: (please notify racers of their participation the day prior
to judging)
Best Appearing Full Bodied Car Best Engineered Full Bodied Car
Best Appearing Open Bodied Car Best Appearing Junior Dragster
Best Engineered Open Bodied Car Best Engineered Junior Dragster
Best Team Spirit Best Appearing Sponsor Banner
Best Appearing Team
28. CONTINGENCY DECALS – Will not be distributed at the event. It is the
driver’s responsibility or the team’s responsibility to acquire any
needed contingency decals prior to the event. Certain manufacturers do
not distribute their decals through IHRA. You must call the company in
question direct.
Car & Driver $100
Jr. Dragster $60
Crew & Alternate $50 (event)
Child $10 (event)
General Admission - Adults $15 (1 day)
Child (6-12) $5 (1 day)
Top Gamblers $50 (1st Round Buy Back: $30.00) (Lottery ticket $20.00)
Mod Gamblers $50 (1st Round Buy Back: $30.00) (Lottery ticket $20.00)
Junior Gamblers (Friday only) $25 (1st Round Buy Back: $10.00) (Lottery
ticket $10.00)
Membership & License Mandatory: available at event
No refunds if event is partially or completely rained out. Event will be
completed on first available day
30. PURSES/PAYOUT - Additionally, there are THOUSANDS in IHRA
Contingency Postings. Check for complete list
TOP (7.00 – 11.99 Cars & Bikes)
Winner $2,500 & Ironman & Silver Card
Runner Up 1,000
Semi Finalists 500
6th Round Loser 300
5th Round Loser 150
4th Round Loser 100
MOD (7.00 and Slower Cars & Bikes)
Winner $2,500 & Ironman & Silver Card
Runner Up 1,000
Semi Finalists 500
6th Round Loser 300
5th Round Loser 150
4th Round Loser 100
Winner Ironman & Silver Card & $500 Bond
Runner Up Trophy & $250 Bond
Semi Trophy & $100 Bond
Winner of Top & Mod – Plaque…and the right to go to Virginia Motorsports
Park to race for the world championship plus $1,000 tow money when you
tech in at VMP!
Win $200 Bond and Trophy
Runner Up – Trophy
32. GAMBLERS RACES: (Friday/ Sunday)
Top & Mod (Fri) Top & Mod (Sun) Junior (Fri)
Win $2,000 80% payback Win Trophy + $500 Bond
R/U 1000 R/U Trophy + $200 Bond
Semi 250 Semi Trophy + $100 Bond
Qtr 100
1/8 50
33. TRACK CODES FOR THE 2011 TEAMS (Tentative List): *For 2011 the order
of finish for parking selection was determined by random draw.
1. Prince George Motorsports Park |
PG |
2. Hi Line Dragway |
HL |
3. Gimli Motorsports Park |
GD |
4. Castrol Raceway |
CR |
5. Magic City International Dragway
MC |
6. Eagle Motorsports Park |
EM |
7. Thunder Mountain Raceway |
KD |
8. Race City |
RC |
9. Alaska Raceway Park |
AK |
10. Castrol Raceway (Team #2) |
CT |
11. Eagle Motorsports Park (Team #2)
ET |
If weather delays the event, it will be completed on the first available
Run Order: Mod, Juniors, Top
Thursday, September 15
Parking and Registration 12:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Test & Tune ($25) 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Friday, September 16
Gates Open 7:00 am – 10:00 pm
Registration 7:00 am – 10:00 pm
Time Trials (2 TT) 8:00 am (No SSS Race run off participants)
SSS Time trials (2 TT) 9:00 am
SSS Eliminations After 2nd time trial
Gamblers Races 1:00 (approx). (1st Rd Buybacks)
Saturday, September 17
Gates Open 7:00 am – 10:00 pm
Registration 7:30 am – 1:00pm
Track Operator Race 9:00am
Team Photos 9:15 am
Time Trial (1 only) 10:00 am
Final Eliminations 1:00 pm
Sunday, September 18
Gates Open 7:30 am
Church Service 8:00 am
Special Judging 9:00 am
Junior Dragster ROC 10:00 am
Run for the Money TT 11:00 am
Gamblers Race 12:00 pm (1st Rd. Buybacks)
Schedule may change at any time. Specialty events (Team Photos, Wacky
and special Judging) are time and weather permitting.