Phillips County Motor Sports, Inc.

Regular BOD meeting

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Stretch’s Pizza, Noon

Present: John Carnahan, Jim Sandsness, Dan Olson, Mike Nissen, Dan Nissen, Dan Stout, Greg Kirkwood, Don Snell, Sharon Kindle

The October  15, 2011, PCMS meeting was called to order by President Greg Kirkwood at noon at Stretch’s Pizza.

The Treasurer’s report by Jim Sandsness was presented and Dan Olson moved to approve payment of presented bills with a second by Don Snell and motion passed.

Don Snell moved to approve the minutes of August 2, 2011 meeting @ Stretch’s Pizza with a second by Dan Stout and motion passed.

Nothing pertinent from old business.

New Business:

Set guidelines for ads: this discussion is a result of $825 in ad expense for the Big Dollar Race. Carnahan felt it was necessary for this year but next year advertise in Thrifty Nickel with a “clip and save” type ad and Tricia’s Trader.

After discussion on the dinner guarantee, we will go for 275 guaranteed # for dinner and inform caterer the total dinner price will be $10.00 and she can work within that range.

The picnic tables will be put away at the east end of the track after the meeting. Tables will be pressure washed next spring and sealed with same sealant as Waters used on his beer garden tables.

Carnahan will blow out lines before the month of October is over.

$1000 from Feld Motor Sports was divided between high points winners Dylan Bergos and Shane Christiansen.

Equipment: trucks & tractor-maintenance needed? Prestone will be checked in all units; white truck will go to Glasgow for Dan’s Auto Body to tune-up.

Gather figures for Foundation for Rural Service grant-computer, radios, speakers, computer, wiring due 11/15: actual prices will be given to the secretary for this as there is a ceiling of $5000 we could receive if chosen. Whenever additional radios are purchased, they will be assigned out to the various workers with codes enabling easy identification.

Recap 2011 race year & plans for 2012: five races will be held but have not set the dates as the finals in Edmonton will be in July with the reason being the September race in Edmonton was smaller than predicted as many participants were in school or their children were. Before the Big Dollar Race is set the auctioneer has to be contacted as he made an appreciable difference in the dollar amount of the auction.

Montana Drag Racers Meeting will be Feb. 3rd & 4th at the Great Northern Motel in Malta. Discussion on having the Reaction Time game for entertainment and money maker for MDA. Linda Holmes will be consulted for more info and itinerary.

The response to the Timing Shack has been positive. The roof and siding need to be installed, volunteers anyone? We have the supplies. Must be done prior to winter.

Dave Morgan will be at Neil Stahl’s shop Nov 5 & 6. A separate email, FaceBook and forum notice will go out on this.

Discussion on more reserved spots on the north side of the second road next to canal and east of the end of the track. Also move the road north at the east end when coming in to the track to allow cars to line up better. Culvert is damaged and will have to be moved/replaced.

The price of VHT will be checked in Vegas when some of our guys are there; there may be some left in Billings. It is questionable if the Billings track will operate in 2012.

Two members purchased a 1978 D-550 Layton portable paving machine from Cascade Co. to reduce our expenses of doing the turn-a-round. Carnahan has to consult with Phillco and Demarias on putting down asphalt and procuring it.

A reminder Katherine Sanderson, FFA, owes PCMS 8 hrs next spring as she was unable to work when purchased in the FFA auction.

Kuhr Fencing will be contacted to erect chain link fence from the east end of the pit side to the west end.

Discussion on exhibition cars for the future: Chuck Haynes is willing to come back with one car; Carnahan will consult with an owner of a wheelie stander in Spokane; alcohol funny cars want to come back.

Possible sponsors to check with are Socco, Conoco, Torgerson’s.

Large sign at the former pavilion site will be moved and placed behind the pit bleachers by next season. Vinyl sponsor signs will be placed on it and the lower backside will be covered and our logos, etc will be placed there for photo shots of winners.

A 40’x40’ shade has been found and the condition will be checked to see if it is usable for the large bleachers.

There being no further business to come before the board, the meeting adjourned at 2 p.m. No date was set for a November meeting as usually PCMS does not meet until January after the holidays.

Respectfully submitted


Sharon Kindle, secretary