Phillips County Motor Sports, Inc. March 26, 2011 meeting
Glasgow MT Eugene’s Pizza, 2 p.m.
Kirkwood called the meeting to order at 2:45 p.m. at
Around 20 people were in attendance.
Don Snell moved to approve minutes from February meeting as sent out and Dan Olson seconded and motion passed.
Dan Olson moved to approve treasurer’s report and bills paid/to be paid with a second by Don Snell and motion passed.
Old business:
From 2009/2010-7 more panels from Slade [gas co.] to secure the ends of track, will not happen however Doyle Grant agreed to sell PCMS 4 panels for a total cost of $100. Sharon Kindle moved to approve the purchase and Don Snell seconded and motion passed.
Hwy 191 sign-need another sponsor for north side @$3000 per yr, w/a 5yr contract or $4000 a yr w/o a contract. So keep asking and contacting potential customers.
Eric Forum, Larslan, donated the chicken wire for under steps of large bleachers. When visiting with our insurance person it was suggested for safety purposes.
Mt Dragrace Assc. in Lewistown report: Ann Stahl gave a brief report on the convention. Neil Stahl received Mechanic of the Year. Jake Hentges also received an award.
Harlem Seed
Show/Malta Ag Day/was well received and worth doing. Greg Kirkwood visited with
the John Deere dealer from
Chassis school at the Malta Guard Armory, April 9.
Several lot fees were paid at the meeting – remember,it’s due by April 1, then let to first come
Workdays at track to get it ready and for the new timing system—as soon as it dries up as trenches have to be dug for the conduit.
Trailer raffle tickets are due at the corporate meeting and will be drawn at that time, so get them sold and to us.
New business:
Director election: Snell, Overcast, Stout-all have agreed to run—anyone else interested?
meeting, Stretch’s
**Dues must be paid to vote at corporate meeting
State points race dues must be paid to Linda prior to the first race, June 5, 2011. Go on the MDA website for this for information.
IHRA Driver fees must be paid by June 1-$50 which gives you insurance for the race season.
Two signs were
still available for the safety barrier, however,
Concrete signs are being sought for future metal building and can still be purchased for guardrails. Signs are $250 and a one time fee as they are metal and stay up all year. This will take the place of the bus once it is sold.
Vinyl signs are still available to any business interested; 4’x8’-$500; 4’x4’-$350; 2’x4’-$250.
Kindle informed the group the executive committee will be with a USDA representative April 12 and a Triangle Telephone representative concerning power at the track. The price range is around $20-25,000 for complete power. This could be in the form of a grant, interest-free loan, or low interest loan.
The group adjourned to Stahl’s shop.
Sharon Kindle, secretary