Phillips County Motor Sports, Inc. February 19, 2011 meeting

Pizza Pro, Havre MT Saturday 2 p.m.

President Kirkwood called the meeting to order before a group of approximately 30 people.

Treasurer’s report was read with not additions or corrections and Rick Starkey moved and Jack seconded to approve to pay bills with motion passed.

Secretary’s report was approved for the January meeting with a motion by John Carnahan and seconded by Rick Starkey and motion passed.

Old business:

*Carnahan reported on the timing system: $10,000 check has been sent for down-payment and it should be here the 2nd or 3rd week of May to install. A work meeting will be set up prior to arrival and installation.

*All fundraiser tickets MUST be returned by the corporate meeting [date to be announced] and the drawing will be held at that time.

*Division 6-Carnahan discussed the team finals which were moved forward to accommodate  a free weekend enabling drivers to attend the team finals. Super Summit Series will compete at team finals and all are encouraged to participate in these.  SSS – must be an IHRA member and have an “X” number.

*Edmonton Points Race Sept 17 & 18

*Update on bus-Kirkwood said he has interest in the bus and if the sale goes through a building will be erected. Signs will be sold for the $1100 of concrete needed for the flooring.

*Carnahan is continuing to seek a speaker for corporate meeting and then a date will be set.

*Water truck status-was taken to Glasgow nothing was brought up at the meeting on this.

*Parking fees due by April 1, 2011 and then it is first come, first serve.

*Tech’s must recertify on line prior to the June 5 race.

*Diapers are not yet mandatory for vehicles: go to

*Dave Morgan will present a 2 day chassis course April 9 & 10 at the Armory for $80-85.

New Business:

*PCMS received $1000 from Phillips County Community Foundation to go towards the sign by the canal bridge on 191 south. Hitchin’ Post has purchased the south side with the north side still open.

*PCMS will have booth at Malta Ag Day, March 18 on the “Cow and the Hi-Line Dragstrip”. [cattle by-products are used in lubricants, greases, binding for asphalt and cement, stearic acid to increase the tire grip and many more uses]

*Overcast handed out forms to record all SFI #s on equipment to tech people.

*Dan Olson is interested if anyone knows the password to get on computer program website to view manuals and see how it works. Anyone reading this and knows the password please get in touch with Dan Olson in Glasgow.

*There being no further business to come before the board, Rick Starkey moved to adjourn the meeting with a second by Dan Stout and meeting adjourned

Notes taken by Kari Carnahan in the absence of Secretary Kindle.