Phillips County Motor Sports, Inc. January 15, 2011 BOD meeting

Stretch’s Casino, 2 p.m., Saturday

President Kirkwood called the meeting to order at 2 p.m.

John Carnahan gave the treasurer’s report. Sharon Kindle moved to accept the report with a second by Kari Carnahan and motion passed.

Sharon Kindle moved to accept the minutes from October meeting as written with a second by Doyle Grant and motion passed.

Old business

2011 senior class—PCMS donated t-shirts for prizes

Fam-tour correspondents-they will return for the August race; do a radio show and articles on PCMS

New Business

Timing system-Carnahan

Carnahan reported on the Windows based timing system at the cost of $27,874.20 of which $13,800 would be due by April 1 if PCMS wanted to get it built and installed for the June 5 & 6 race events. $10,000 is needed for the trailer prize and it is felt the system is an item which would be a valued addition to the track. The current loan would be rolled over for six years with the CD, scoreboards and system used as collateral. This system can handle a Pro-Am Race with an estimated 200+ units,  featuring seven classes of vehicles. We would retain our current timer, Mark. Rick Starkey moved to purchase the system with a second by Bill Foster and motion passed unanimously. NOTE: the drawing for the trailer will be held at the March corporate meeting. It is asked that all tickets and money be turned in by that time. Motion made by Rick Starkey and seconded by Denny Overcast and motion passed. [Date of meeting TBA.]

Division 6 conference call-Carnahan. He has been asked to consider heading up the division beginning in 2012 and has not decided as yet. A logo was voted on choosing #4, with the Canadian and US flags with “Border Bandits” as the name. The votes are turned into Division 6 Monday/

Edmonton will have the Points Race Sept. 17 & 18 and would like to see a 30 car team plus 2 alternates, from each track in Division 6. This is not a “must” for numbers. It is a “MUST” to be an IHRA member and have the Super Summit Series sticker on the vehicle all season. Winners would go on national in VA. Note: IHRA members, drivers or individuals, are covered while at the track for $100,000.

Kirkwood is working on selling the bus [see on forum and Craig’s list] and erecting a building at track featuring a 12’ sq storage space and a canopy. This would be funded by him with the possibility of selling signs for the estimated $1,000 of concrete, and the signs be placed on the building. The white trailer would no longer be used.

 Grass Roots Bracket Series reported on by Carnahan: It is in OR and considering the distance, unlikely a vehicle from here would attend. Note: this info was emailed out earlier.

Chuck Haynes, Lewistown, will bring his Jet Car to the June car show, start it after the show, and do a twilight run that evening at the track. He will open and close the race on Sun with a run, with a charge of $5 for entry for the Sat. gate and $8 on Sun. Denny Overcast moved to have the Jet Car with a second by John Carnahan and motion passed. Carnahan will visit with Brent Jones of the NWFC on this change.

Changed September race from the 17 & 18 to the 24 & 25 due to points race in Calgary

Act on resolution for Port of Morgan extension of hours and improve Hwy 4 in Saskatchewan

Resolution for supporting Saskatchewan’s Highway 4 and extending the Port of Morgan hours.

Phillips County Motor Sports, Inc. has an average of 20 Canadian units participating in the Hi-Line Drag strip races during each race weekend throughout the season;

Be it resolved, Phillips County Motor Sports, Inc. supports the improvement of Saskatchewan’s Highway 4 leading into Montana,

Be it further resolved, Phillips County Motor Sports, Inc. supports longer port hours at the Port of Morgan to facilitate our Canadian drivers,

And, to further state, the monies brought into the state of Montana,( $230, 464, including the value of the units), have proved to be an asset to our business, and the surrounding area, we support the continued maintenance of Highway 4.

Carnahan will check with Marc Hinton and Chuck Haynes as per speaker for March corporate meeting.

February meeting will be in Havre at Pizza Pro, 2 p.m. a Sat. with date to be announced.

April meeting will be a Sat, 2 p.m. in Glasgow with date and place to be announced.

Scholarship info and press releases have gone out to area schools and papers. Two recipients have sent the required transcripts for payment of $500 from the 2010 year,

It was encouraged all drivers join Super Summit Series for 2011.

If there is anything on the track rules you want changed [they are on the website] let Kirkwood know.

Work day[s] will be announced well in advance.

Dan Olson has volunteered to work on water truck [in Glasgow] for needed repairs. Foster will haul the truck there.

April 1, 2011, is the cut-off date for paying the $150 reserved parking fees on the 32 spaces.  After that, it will be first come, first serve on all spaces not claimed. More discs will be placed to mark non-reserved spaces to facilitate proper parking. Notice will be going out shortly.

Don Wilkins, Havre, has asked if up to 5 ‘zero-turn’ mowers have a course at the track. It was suggested the area on the spectator side up to where the concessions begin would be left un-mowed for the course.

Denny Overcast stated the tech’s have to re-certify and can do so on-line. Go to IHRA for this.

“Diapers” will be mandatory in a year or so and it was strongly suggested these be purchased for all units. Go to or call 217-454-5289. Price is around $170 and sizes are standard, X-large, large and custom.

Dave Morgan, Minot, will present a 2-day chassis course April 9-10 at the Armory for around $80-$85.

Denny Overcast will man the booth at the Harlem Seed Show in March. Cars are needed for the car show and please let Denny know if bringing one.

Meeting adjourned at 4 p.m.

Sharon Kindle, secretary